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Performance Division Adult Rider Categories:

Open 2 & 3 year olds 2 gait, riders 18 & over
Open 4 years and over 2 gait, riders 18 & over
Open 4 years and over 3 gait, riders 18 & over

Performance Division Junior Rider Categories:

Open 2 & 3 year olds 2 gait, riders 17 & under
Open 4 years and over 2 gait, riders 17 & under
Open 4 years and over 3 gait, riders 17 & under

Model or Halter Division Categories:

Open Weanling model/halter
Open Yearling model/halter
Open 2 & 3 years old model/halter
Open Mares 4 years and over model/halter
Open Stallions & Geldings 4 years and over model/halter

Riders & horses age categories are determined by what age they are beginning January 1st of the year they are competing. In other words, if you are competing for high point awards in the year 2008, the PSHR will consider you to be the age that you are on January 1, 2008 as your age category.